Friday, August 16, 2013


 Well ... it is 1:00 in the morning. I have to be at a school at 7 to do who knows what? And, I'm supposed to be there until 4 PM ... I have a feeling that won't happen - especially since I am still wide awake at 1 AM.

I think the place where the port was inserted is healing. I have tried to get a picture of it ... it leaves a really ugly bump under my skin. It almost looks like I have grown a third breast. Just what I need! :)

It is really weird to have the port. It is hard. And, sometimes, I can feel the catheter in my vein too.

PowerPort* Implantable Port image

This is what is under my skin and in my vein... I am not loving having it. It is alien. It is ugly. But, everyone tells me I am going to love it when I have treatments. I only have to get stuck once a visit. Blood for labs will be drawn through the port and the drug I am getting will be infused using the port. Since my veins are in pretty rotten shape after being stuck so much over the last 9 months, it will be a good thing to have it, I am sure. I just need to start accepting it better!!

Here is another good thing about it. Because it is inserted completely under the skin, there is no need to try to keep it clean and there are no tubes hanging out... I'm sure it will stop bothering me when the bruising improves and I don't constantly feel it. I hope so!!!

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