Spam posts did it again! Brought me here to delete them and I see that it has been a long while since I posted an update.
Back in 2012, I was told I would live 4 months ... and I am happy to report that the four months has stretched into 8+ years! Modern medicine!! And God. Mainly God, I think, don't you? My doctor does.
Not much has been going on around here due to restricted movements thanks to COVID. My husband and I have been fortunate enough to (1) not catch the virus and (2) to finally get our first dose of vaccine - which made both of us mildly sick so I dread the second dose ... but I definitely don't dread the peace of mind to get out and about that it will bring.
I really don't have much to report but thought as long as I was here clearing out ridiculous spam messages, I'd just let you guys know that I'm still here, still not in treatment, and still stable (as of my last scan anyway). There is hope for those diagnosed with late stage lung cancer!